All information contained on this website is intended to be for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be construed as legal advice. Individualized legal problems vary and have different laws and regulations that may differ by jurisdiction. Therefore, any information contained within this website should not be relied upon without seeking the advice of an attorney licensed to practice law in your specific jurisdiction. The attorneys at Horton, Oberrecht, Kirkpatrick & Martha practice law in California and make no representation that any materials contained within this website are appropriate or available for use in jurisdictions other than California. Further, information on this website may become outdated or may not necessarily reflect the most recent legal developments.

This website constitutes both a communication and/or solicitation as defined by California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1-400. Use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. Retaining an attorney is an important decision and it is important to consider all relevant factors in addition to any information contained within this website.

Pursuant to the Rules of the California State Bar, it is hereby disclosed that our principal office is located at 101 W. Broadway, Suite 600, San Diego, California 92101. Kimberly Oberrecht, Esq. is hereby designated as the principal attorney responsible for the content of this site